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Training and Services Provided

Mental Health and Resilience for the Workplace
This 4-module interactive training presents strategies for promoting mental health in the workplace. The training can be tailored for all staff or managers and leaders. Participants learn how to care for their own emotional well-being, how to recognize and respond when a colleague is struggling, and how to create a psychologically safe work environment.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based training program administered by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. The training is designed for educators, parents/ caregivers, and any other adult that is supporting youth.  Participants learn how to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use challenge or experiencing a crisis. 

Teen Mental Health First Aid

teen Mental Health First Aid is a training program for high school students. Participants learn the skills they need to have supportive conversations with their friends and how to get help from a responsible and trusted adult. 


Custom Mental Health Training or Workshop
Reach out for help creating a learning program based on your unique needs. Topics might include understanding the basics of mental health, raising resilient kids, self-care and community care, social-emotional learning, the impact of trauma, trauma-informed workplaces, trauma-informed schools/ teaching, compassion fatigue and satisfaction, empathetic listening, and best practices in creating a mental health champion program.

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Reach out to discuss the training needs of your audience and get a quote to facilitate or create custom training. 

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